Bowls Clothes Identity

For a couple years now people have always asked why doesn’t the sport grow, how can it be made more popular and what can help it. Of course the obvious is exposure – no one really knows anything about the sport other than old people play it.

But what about the obvious – Every professional sport has their own jerseys. Football has custom football jerseys to help show team support. Helping create an identity for a team, showing that they are a fan.

Take a sport like Soccer, you see youth soccer jerseys everywhere showing off a teams logo.  So why can’t bowls have their own as well. Why is Bowls Australia the only symbol that people wear!! If Henselite is going to sell their product in Canada why don’t the shirts have Bowls Canada symbols on them. Canada has one of the best bowls symbols out there – yet we don’t ever expose it to people in our own country or around the world. Would that help grow the sport? Would people start to wonder what that logo was for?

Something to think about…

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